Effective business English training courses have clearly defined learning goals that can be measured. This means that the learning or training content must be focused on reaching those learning goals.

Without highly-targeted learning content, trainees won't be able to achieve their language goals. Let's look at some of requirements for effective business English learning content.
1. Highly-focused
Learning activities are designed to achieve clearly defined learning goals. Activities are designed to teach trainees how to successfully communicate in realistic business situations. Trainees can't achieve this unless the learning content is highly-focused and the language focuses 100% on the communication task.
2. Designed to Faciliate Learning
Effective learning content must be organized to facilitate learning and to enhance retention. New language must be introduced systematically. Learning content must be designed to move trainees systematically from A to Z. Learning content must be designed with a knowledge of how people learn a second language.
3. Practical and Relevant
Powerful learning content is practical and relevant to trainees. Trainees are motivated to learn because the content can be used immediately at work so they see an immediate improvement in their work performance.
4. Engaging and Interactive
Learning content must be interesting, engaging and motivating. Content allows trainees to interact, to solve problems, to think, to discuss and to succeed. Learning content should give trainees opportunities for real and meaningful practice.
Learning content that lacks focus, is poorly designed, isn't practical and isn't interactive may lead to friendly discussion and enjoyable lessons, but limited actual learning results.
