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Business English Emails: How to assign a project by email

Updated: Nov 22, 2018

To write professional emails in English you must be able to organize the content well, to use suitable and high-quality business English and to avoid making common email mistakes.

Let's take a look at a professional email assigning a project.

This email is from Mr. Kenny Burns, the senior project manager to Mrs. White.

Hi Mrs. White,

I’m sending this email to assign you a project. I’d like you to supervise the installation of our new project management software. This is a very important project because installing this software will improve productivity, so I’d like you to make this task a top priority.

To complete this project, you’ll need to take a number of steps. First, I’d like you to meet the department managers to inform them about the software. Then, coordinate the installation with the IT department. Next, arrange training to show the team how to use the software. Finally, I want you to arrange follow up meetings to make sure everyone is using the software.

The deadline for completion of this project is June 30th. I expect every department to be using this software by that date. Let’s schedule a follow up meeting on June 1st so you can update me on progress.

I hope everything is clear. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me by email or arrange a meeting to discuss this project in more detail.


Kenny Burns

Senior Project Manager


This email is professional:

1. There is a clear structure to the email making it easy to follow:

- Greeting: It begins with an appropriate greeting

- State the objectives [state the importance-optional]: Mr. Burns states the

objectives of the email and points out how important it is. Stating the objectives

makes it easy for Mrs. White to understand what she must do. It also makes it

easy for Mr. Burns to follow up later.

- Outline the steps in the process: Mr. Burns communicates clearly what steps Mrs.

White needs to take. This saves time because now she doesn't have to email him to

check what she should do.

- Set a deadline: Next Mr. Burns sets a clear deadline for the project. Having a clear

deadline is important for any project.

- Arrange a follow-up meeting: The project manager then arranges a follow-up

meeting to check on progress.

- Offer support: Finally, Mr. Burns makes it clear that he will help Mrs. White and if

she has any questions, she can ask him.

- Sign off: Mr. Burns then uses appropriate English to sign off the email.

2. The language is suitable and professional. Mr. Burns communicates directly, clearly and professionally. He isn't rude or too aggressive when assigning the task.

For example:

- "I'd like you to supervise ....." This is a polite, but direct way to say "you must do this".

However, saying "you must do this" would be too direct and a little rude.

- "I expect every department to ....." This is also a direct, but professional way to assign a

project. Using 'must' is too strong and negative.

Actually, there are many examples of professional language in this email and none of the language is unsuitable. This is a great example of a professional email to assign a project in English.


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